Third Annual “Festival della Diplomazia” today in Spoleto -

Third Annual “Festival della Diplomazia” today in Spoleto


Third Annual “Festival della Diplomazia” today in Spoleto

Sab, 13/10/2012 - 09:50

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Story by Anthony Savvides
Today, the third edtion of the “Festival della Diplomazia” (festival of diplomacy) will be held in the Convention Center of the Hotel Albornoz beginning at 10:00. This year’s conference, “L’America Latina come partner commerciale e imprenditoriale” (Latin America as a trading and entrepreneurial partner), will be a daylong event where as many as 14 Latin American embassies are expected to send representatives. These representatives will meet with Umbrian professionals in order to create a partnership between Umbria and the Latin American nations.
Unlike European nations, Latin American countries have seen their GDP growing in recent years at an average rate of 6-7 percent. The event will be free to attend, and representatives from Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Guatemala, El Salvador, Haiti, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic are expected. The partnership would benefit Umbrian markets, including the timber industry, ceramics, alternative energy, agriculture, and environmental services.
This year’s event is sponsored by the Italian Latin American Institute, with support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union Commission and the Ministry of Economic Development.

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