Girl falls from the wall along Viale Indipendenza in Perugia -

Girl falls from the wall along Viale Indipendenza in Perugia


Girl falls from the wall along Viale Indipendenza in Perugia

Gio, 22/11/2012 - 12:25

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Story by Anthony Savvides

(Updated 17:00) The identity of the student is still being held from the press, but it is now confirmed that the girl is an American studying here in Perugia at the Umbra Institute. Police are still investigating the incident and trying to figure out what led to the girl’s fall. One of the main points of investigation, right now, is the party where she was the night before and the other people who were present there.

Via Caporeli was a mess this morning, with broken alcohol bottles and plastic cups everywhere. Many neighbors reported hearing loud voices coming from the party all night.
The girl’s first statements to police indicate that it was, indeed, an accident, and that it was not a suicide attempt. She is still at the hospital, where she will soon be transferred to the ICU. Her most serious injuries are along her spine and on her face, but doctors are optimistic. There is some indication of violence, and the doctor on duty, Antonella Duchini, has requested gynecological expertise, to rule out rape.
Upon admission to the hospital this morning, her BAC was still at 0.99, indicating that she was extremely intoxicated during the party and in the hours immediately following, when she fell.
The student’s parents have been informed of their daughter’s condition and are on their way to Italy from the USA.


A young American student fell off of the wall along Viale Indipendenza near the historic center of Perugia. She was found at about 9:30 this morning. The wall has a barrier, but there is one portion at the end that is open and unprotected, from where the girl fell.
After dropping through the air, she landed on the rooftop of a shed in a private garden about eight meters (about 26 feet) below the wall. The cause of her fall remains unclear. The girl was able to climb down from the wall and knock on a door this morning. The woman that owns the home near the shed then called the police, who arrived on the scene shortly thereafter. The mobile police squad, under Captain Marco Chiacchiera, is also on the scene this morning.
Details of the incident are still unclear, but it is believed that the girl attended a house party on via Caporeli last night with a friend. The girls were separated last night, and her friend that arrived home last night called the police to tell them that her friend, the girl found this morning, was missing. It is thought that the girls were under the influence of some substance. More details will be forthcoming.

The girl is currently in critical condition at Santa Maria della Misericordia Hospital in Perugia.

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