Disabled children and adults group put on a stunning “C'è Nerentola?” performance in Spoleto - Tuttoggi.info

Disabled children and adults group put on a stunning “C'è Nerentola?” performance in Spoleto


Disabled children and adults group put on a stunning “C'è Nerentola?” performance in Spoleto

Ven, 19/10/2012 - 19:42

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Story and photos by Anthony Savvides
Members of “l’associazione Peter Pan” and “L’AR.TE” (Laboratorio Arte Teatrali; Laboratory of Theater Arts) performed their take on the classic Cinderella fairy tale last weekend in Spoleto. The performance, held at the Cantiere Oberdan (Oberdan Sipyard) at Santa Maria della Piaggia from October 11-14, was renamed “C'è Nerentola?” in a play on words of the Italian translation, “Cenerentola.”
The entire production, from the music to the set pieces and costume design, came to fruition through the work and support of the “Centri Socio Riabilitativi ed Educativi diurni per Disabili giovani ed adulti di Spoleto” (Centers for Social Rehabilitation and Education of disabled young people and adults of Spoleto) in addition to “Il Cerchio Cooperativa Sociale.” After the final song and act of the evening, it was clear to the audience that the efforts of all involved paid off. The costumes were bright and eye-catching, and the set was simple yet effective. Under the direction of Adelaide Colombo, all of the performers – though at times a bit shy and jittery – put forth a strong effort, to the delight of the organizers and their family members in attendance.

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